From Mosonmagyaróvár to Lajta - We invite you to an adventurous water tour


From Mosonmagyaróvár to Lajta - We invite you to an adventurous water tour

The Mosonmagyaróvár city tour invites you to an adventurous wander along the Lajta river, which reveals the unique charm of Szigetköz with a tour colored by bridges and slides.

Information about the water tour in Lajta

The Lajta River originates from the northeastern edge of the Alps and flows into the Mosoni-Danube at Mosonmagyaróvár. The circular tour starting from Itató beach and passing through the Lajta lock offers an exciting sightseeing tour, and then continues in the heart of the city after a lift.

Starting from the Itató beach, the tour goes down the Mosoni-Danube, then along the Lajta, it leads past the castle to the sluice, from where it continues on the Malom branch after the lift. The downtown section of Mosonmagyaróvár stretches from the Lajta lock through the Malom branch to the Mosoni-Danube.

This section meanders along the original route, which leads through the moat around the Old Castle and splits into several branches that also protected the city walls of Magyaróvár. During the tour, you can also discover excellent restaurants and cafes, where you can relax in the middle of rowing. Below the Főhercegi mill, there is a two-step boat slide that leads down about 1.5 meters, and the tour ends at the Mosoni-Danube bank, at the MVSE boathouse.


Things to see during the tour:

1. Mosonmagyaróvár castle

The patinated medieval castle is one of the best-known buildings in Mosonmagyaróvár, the lower level and surroundings of which were renovated in 2021 and serve tourist purposes. The history of the castle and the history of the Academy of Agriculture founded here in 1818 can be learned in the framework of an exhibition. The Castle Lake and Rudolf Liget Park offer great opportunities for walks.


2. FUTURA - Hungary's largest scientific playground

This "playhouse" covers 2,700 square meters and welcomes visitors interested in natural sciences. The four levels of the interactive exhibition located in the building of the former granary allow you to discover the natural wonders of Szigetköz, Hungary and the world. The entertaining scientific programs, 5D cinema and planetarium offer an experience for all ages.


3. Cellery house

The oldest residential building in the city is the Cellery House, which is located on Fő utca, which has a baroque atmosphere, and is home to the fine arts exhibition of the Hanság Museum. The Hanság Museum is easily accessible at the rowing port, next to the Lajta Hotel. The museum offers great museum education programs for groups.


Tour details:

Region: Northern Hungary
Duration: 1 day
Hike classification: easy
Tour type: water tour
Distance: 10.4 km
Time required: 3 hours

Departure from: Mosonmagyaróvár Itató beach, 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Strand u. 17.

Regia Loyalty Club

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