Spring adventures around Mosonmagyaróvár


Spring adventures around Mosonmagyaróvár

Discover the magical countryside of Szigetköz from the center of the comfortable accommodation of the Regia Pension and Restaurant, where tranquility and spring adventures both find home in the Mosonmagyaróvár area.
Spring around Mosonmagyaróvár

Spring around Mosonmagyaróvár

As spring arrives and nature comes back to life, Mosonmagyaróvár and its surroundings show a completely different face. The fresh air, the blooming landscape and the chirping birds all awaken the desire to travel. Well, it's time to explore the magical countryside of the Szigetköz, and where else could you relax during this time than at the Regia Panzio? Allow me to guide you into the world of spring adventures!


Nearby attractions


1. On Futuramos

Futuramos has one of the most exciting scientific playhouses in the region and the largest in Hungary, where you can discover the secrets of the four primal elements, Water, Earth, Air and Fire, as well as the flora and fauna of Szigetköz in the four-story scientific playhouse in a 300-year-old historic granary.


2. Lajta backwater

The Lajta backwater is one of the most popular places among bird watchers. This area is especially exciting in the spring when birds are looking for nesting sites and the water is full of vibrant life.


3. Ad Flexum Thermal Spa in Mosonmagyaróvár

What better way to rejuvenate in spring than a pleasant day in the thermal water? The Ad Flexum Thermal Spa is an island of relaxation and rejuvenation, where relaxing in the warm medicinal water makes you forget all your worries.


Choose our wellness relaxation package offer and relax in Flexum's Thermal Spa!


4. Mosoni-Danube boat trip

If you want to break away from the land world for a bit, don't miss the Mosoni-Danube boat trip. Discover the beauties of the river and enjoy the view of the coastal landscape from the deck of the boat.


Program possibilities in the spring near Mosonmagyaróvár


1. Cycling in Szigetköz

Spring weather is ideal for cycling. Rent a bike and discover the hidden treasures of Szigetköz. Wandering along the paths, you can discover wonderful landscapes and charming villages.

2. Nature walk in the Fertő-Hanság National Park

The Fertő-Hanság National Park has impressive habitats that are home to protected plant and animal species. Discover the park's numerous hiking trails and enjoy the beauty of nature.

3. Bird trap at the gate of Szigetköz

Szigetköz is a paradise for bird watchers. Visit Halássi, the gate of the Szigetköz, and observe the special bird species of the region in their habitat.

4. Gastro tour in the region

Discover local flavors and gastronomic traditions during a gastro tour. Taste the culinary values of Szigetköz and enjoy the offer of our restaurant, where we always prepare our current dishes from fresh local ingredients.


Say hello to spring at the Regia Pension and Restaurant!

The Regia Panzió és Étterem awaits its guests at the gate of Szigetköz to offer an unforgettable spring break. Comfortable accommodation, pleasant surroundings and countless program opportunities await you to recharge your batteries and discover the wonders of the area. Don't hesitate, book now and get ready for a real adventure in the heart of Szigetköz!

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