Discover the Szigetközi floodplain while cycling!


Discover the Szigetközi while cycling!

Get to know the Szigetközi floodplain in all its splendor while cycling and discovering the region's fascinating attractions and program opportunities!
Discover the Szigetközi floodplain while cycling!

Winding in the floodplain

As cycling enthusiasts well know, there's no better way to discover an area's hidden treasures than in the saddle. The Szigetközi floodplain offers an exceptional opportunity for all those who want to explore one of the most beautiful and wild parts of the Danube. Starting from Dunasziget, you can discover sights that are both fabulous and impressive by taking a tour.


Description of the tour

Start from Dunasziget, where one of the most significant attractions is the oldest and largest willow tree in the area, which impresses passers-by with its huge trunk circumference of 930 cm. Afterwards, the black poplar tree of similar size at Kőhíd is also worth a stop. Continuing your journey from Kőhíd, crossing the largest island of the flood plain, you pass through a beautiful meadow until you reach the first fish ladder in Hungary. Here you can even admire the fish swimming through a window.

Heading towards the Old Danube, you can cycle along the banks of the Old Danube all the way to the hermitage harbor on the Danube, where you will also find the Danube boat monument. The next stop leads to Lipó, where you can relax in the glass cafe and watch the bakers go to work and enjoy the smell and taste of fresh baked goods.

You can also discover the natural treasures of the area, for example the birdwatching on the banks of the Dead-Danube, where observing different species of birds is a fascinating experience. In the Tündérsziget Ökopark, there is a community medicinal and herb garden, as well as an interactive exhibition presenting the natural values of the Szigetköz. The underwater ambush here offers a special opportunity to look into the depths of the Danube.

After a lunch in Hédervár, where you can find a fairytale-like castle and park, as well as the country's oldest 800-year-old oak tree in the courtyard of the Blessed Virgin Mary's Chapel. Heading back to Dunaremet, the Dodó Game Farm offers a spectacular observation opportunity for roe deer, deer and wild boar.


Broken down into steps, the tour is as follows:

• Viewing willow and black aspen on Dunasziget
• Meadow walk on the largest island of the flood plain
• Stop at the first fish ladder
• Visit Lipóti Látványpékség and taste fresh baked goods
• Birdwatcher on the banks of the Dead-Danube
• Experiences in the Ecopark: community medicinal and herb garden, interactive exhibition and underwater ambush
• Lunch at Horgony Tanya in Darnózselin
• Viewing at the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hédervár
• Visit to Dodó Wild Farm in Dunaremet


Details of the tour:

• Distance: 49.1 km
• Time required: 5 hours



By car to Mosonmagyaróvár on the M1 highway, from there via Halász to Dunasziget, where you can safely park by driving to the end of Duna utca and turning right in front of the flood protection embankment.

By train to Mosonmagyaróvár, then by bus to Dunasziget, and finally approx. 800 meters walk. In case of a group request, you can also request a rented bicycle to the train station, from where you can cycle 15 kilometers through Máriakálnok and Halászi to the port of Kisvesszős.


Things to see

Denkpál fish ladder, Danube Island
• A beautiful and relaxing place in the middle of nature
• Ideal for picnics and relaxation
Tündérsziget Ecopark, Dunasziget
• Community medicinal and herb garden
• Interactive exhibition about the natural values of Szigetköz
• Underwater ambush at the bottom of the Danube


+Program tip

• FUTURA, Hungary's largest scientific playhouse in Mosonmagyaróvár

Wandering in the Szigetközi floodplain, you can discover the beauties and secrets of the area from new perspectives. Don't miss this exciting and fascinating adventure!

Regia Loyalty Club

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